Tuesday, December 1, 2009

On Fox News, Glen Beck discusses the topic of same sex marriage and how it can lead to polygamy. He says that changing “traditional marriage” can cause a snowball effect which will eventually allow men and women to have multiple partners at a time. Beck proclaims that once you tear down the rules of traditional marriage and allow a man and a man to marry or a woman and a woman to marry, which results in ultimately no rule for marriage.
During the show, Beck interviews Jenny Block, the author of the book, “Open.” Block gives her views on how marriage should not be constrained to only a man and a woman. She is currently in a relationship where she is married to her husband but has a girlfriend on the side. Beck explains how that should not be allowed. He insists that if we do not make a law on what is acceptable and unacceptable in marriage, there will be no constraints.
I was raised that marriage is between a man and a woman. Because, I have no way of ever knowing if a gay man or woman chooses their sexual orientation, I cannot take away their rights. That is why I believe we should give everyone the rights to become civil partners. The concept of marriage however, is sacred and should be left for a man and a woman.


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