Wednesday, December 2, 2009

New York Says No

On Wednesday December 2, 2009 the New York Senate finally voted on the same-sex marriage bill. The New York Senate Voted down the bill with a decisive 38-24 count. This means same-sex marriage will not be legal in the state of New York and the bill is dead for the rest of the year. Democrats knew they would need support for the bill from a few Republicans for the bill to pass, but not once single Republican voted yes for the bill. Gay rights activists have been waiting for a long time for the New York Senate to vote on this bill. Advocates of gay rights keep getting close for their wishes to come true, but they keep their hopes diminished when they are so close to legalizing same-sex marriage. Maine and California are two other states where same-sex marriage almost became legal, before voters or legislation ruled it illegal.

I think the New York State Senate made the correct decision in making same-sex marriage illegal in New York. I believe that marriage is a legal union between a man and a woman. Allowing same-sex couples to marry is going against gods intentions and undermines people’s religious views. I also think by allowing same-sex couples to marry would encourage them to adopt and raise children. I think children should be raised by a man and a woman in a structured family setting.

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